Saturday, November 10, 2007

Mom's Turn

Ok. So it's now my turn. I suppose I just joined the 21st century. I'm blogging!

Here's Alex in her 2007 class picture taken on Sept. 21.
Below is her Soccer picture taken just a day later.

Below is a link to one of my favorite videos of Alex (one of many). Keep in mind this was taken in 2005, Alex's first skiing season. Most of it was taken at Wildcat with some footage at the Cog Railway on Mount Washington. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!!!!

Katelyn (Josh Beckett) ; Michael (Eric Cartman) ; Alex (Underdog) ; Maggie (Sweet Polly Purebread)


Alex and Maggie...I mean, Underdog and Sweet Polly.

Happy (Belated) 7th Birthday Alex!

Um, yeah... Sept. 7th. Alex had her party at "The Plum Tomato" in Colchester where she and her friends made their own Brick-Oven Pizza. It was way kewl!!11!!!!1one!!1!!!!

First Day of School

Yeah, no.... not November 1st, it was Sept. 4th. I'm a little slow to update...

All right, enough about the Sawks already!!!

Okay, now that the World Series is over, time to finally upload some pix from the camera. Yikes!! haven't looked at this since we were in New Hampshire in August...

Alex is ready to ride. Whitaker Woods, N. Conway, N.H.

Ummmm... Next...

Along the Conway Scenic Railroad...