Thursday, April 3, 2008

Aw Crap, another month gone by....

Yeah, so I said I was going to try to be better about posting and here we go again. Another month between posts. So, what's been keeping me (us) so busy? Well, to tell the truth, not a whole hell of a lot actually. Two weekends this month were spent fighting-off various Spring-time ailments. Alex was sick one weekend, then Daniela and I got it the following. So two whole weekends spent doin' a whole lotta nuthin' Except eating rice, Saltines and broth. Blech!

We did spend some time visiting Family, though, so that was nice. One Sunday spent with Daniela's side, one Saturday with my side. Not much to report, everything's pretty status quo. Well, other than the fact that it seems the Arizona Daniels-Souder-Daniels clan will be moving to the People's Republic of Massachusetts soon. Good Luck! You'll need it *snicker*

We had a conference with Alex's teacher, Mr. Gowac. Alex is doing very well in school. She is reading at a 4th Grade level! She is also doing exceptionally well in Math, Science and Social Studies. But one thing...What the hell ever happened to Spelling and Penmanship? Things have sure changed in the last 30 years....

"But Paul," you ask, "Don't you have more boring skiing stories? Or can we finally move on?" Glad you asked. Looks like we may have gotten our final ski trip of the 07-08 season in last Sunday at Stratton. Yeah, we told everyone that we were headed there on Easter Sunday, but we took another look at our lawn which has been forlorn and forgotten since August and figured we should give it a little attention. Seeing as we will be heading off to Playa del Carmen, Mexico on the 11th, and spending everyday from now 'til then preparing... I digress. We had a free Stratton lift ticket that was given to us by Sam at
Alpine Haus in Wethersfield Thanks Sam!! Not wanting to lose out on $78 (I know, can you freakin' believe it?) We headed-up on a beautiful, clear, sunny day. Awesome conditions in that they also got over 6" of fresh snow Friday night. Great way to end the season, everyone got a little of what they wanted. We all skied together, Alex and Mommy skied together, and Alex and Daddy got some time together, so Mommy and Daddy both got a few solo runs. Hopefully, after we return from Mexico, we'd like to try to get on the hill again, but that's not too likely. If this was it, it was a perfect way to end it. No pics, but I put together a little video of Alex's ski season. Most of it is from this past Sunday. Enjoy!!!

By the way... This is the Low-res Windows Movie version. I have a much higher res .avi file, but at over 560MB its way too big to upload. I'll try to upload it to YouTube. Leave a comment here, or email me if you want it.

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